Hôtel Ritz Carlton — Wolfsburg

Autostadt is a Volkswagen-owned Park with pavilions, each representing one of the group’s brands, in a manner reminiscent of the follies at the Bagatelle gardens in France. In lieu of a Château sits the Ritz Carlton Hotel – a contemporary Castle, on the edge of a canal, at the end of the park.
The pavilions are a symbol of motion in nature, and looking from their perspective, one can metaphorically see the Motion of Nature: the chosen theme that allows to unite the Genius Loci – spirit of the place – and the project.
A complement to the overall nature theme in the hotel is the infusion of details and impressions from the world of mobility. A recurrent theme in this world is the rear-view mirror effect. This mobile environment evokes the fusion of the present with the future and the past.
The references to mobility are also used as a way to organize the rooms in the hotel that are seen as a series of smaller spaces within a larger space like in a car.

Photo credit : ©Deidi VonSchaewen